
Contact Us

Have questions or want to inquire about submissions and opportunities? Email us at eurydiceinternal@gmail.com!

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Commonly asked questions, answered for your convenience.

What is the turnaround time for Eurydice Lit?

Three weeks. Although if you have not heard from us after a month, please feel free to inquire the status of your submission by emailing us.

Does Eurydice Lit pay contributors?

Yes, Eurydice Lit is happy to reward contributors with a $5 compensation for work (both writers and artists) and hopes to increase this amount in the future. Until then, we hope to at least treat you to a nice coffee as our thanks.

How do I submit my work to Eurydice Lit?

Please send submissions to submiteurydice@gmail.com after reviewing the submission guidelines.

How often does Eurydice Lit publish issues?

We are a quarterly magazine and aim to put out an issue once per season (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

Will I be notified if my piece is accepted for publication?

Yes, all submitters will receive a notification regarding the status of their submission.

Still left with a question?

Email us at eurydiceinternal@gmail.com!